Grant-funded program prepares paraprofessionals to provide specialized care in response to opioid epidemic


The 健康 Resources and Services Administration has awarded the University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability (IOD) a $2.拨款四百万元资助 共建未来, a program seeking to prepare 98 paraprofessionals in healthcare and school settings to provide specialized enhanced care coordination to children, youth and their caregivers whose parents are impacted by opioid and other substance use disorders. With cost posing a significant barrier for many paraprofessionals seeking further training, the grant allows the program to be offered at no charge as well as provide stipends to participants.

共建未来是由 乔安妮·马洛伊, IOD研究副教授, who says the program will address the high need for support of youth who are at risk for behavioral health disorders as well as their families.

“There is pressing need to provide community-based care coordination to children, adolescents and families affected by opioid use and other substance use disorders,马洛伊说. “We are hopeful this project will address our workforce shortages while standing up a high-quality practice to support some of our most vulnerable children and youth.”

尼古拉斯面,香港大学副教授 心理学 at 中曼彻斯特, serves as co-principal investigator on the program and supports development of the training curriculum. 共建未来聚焦于集约化, 在职培训, which Mian says better prepares trainees to provide enhanced care.

阿片类药物危机对心理健康产生了持久的影响, and the need for trained professionals to care for our state’s most vulnerable children, 年轻人和家庭的比例从未如此之高,米安说。. “通过实践培训, the 共建未来 program develops the specific skills, knowledge and competencies for providers to better support these high-need populations.”

探索创伤和有毒压力等话题, 对等恢复支持, 以家庭和青年为导向的护理, 家庭系统和成瘾, the program’s curriculum is designed to strengthen the specialized paraprofessional workforce in school districts and community health settings throughout the state.

在他的 全国学徒周公告, Governor Chris Sununu recognized the 共建未来 team for their commitment to the advancement of apprenticeship and workforce development in New Hampshire.

访问“共建未来”网站 了解更多.


Kassidy泰勒 |市场营销 & 曼彻斯特大学通信学院|