

作为一所公立高等教育机构, 永利app新版本官网地址(UNH)雇佣外国公民, 招收国际学生, and hosts visiting foreign scholars in connection with international exchange programs, teaching, and research. It is UNH’s intent to employ foreign nationals and host international students and scholars in a welcoming manner while also ensuring compliance with U. S. laws and regulations governing the export of controlled commodities and technical data, as well as U.S. 制裁和禁运.

What is an export?

除了向国外运送实物, an export includes any release of export-controlled technology or source code to a foreign national.[1] Technology or software is “released” for export through: (i) Visual inspection by foreign nationals of U.S.-origin equipment and facilities; (ii) Oral exchanges of information in the United States or abroad; or (iii) The application to situations abroad of personal knowledge or technical experience acquired in the United States.

While UNH’s 国际永利app新版本官网地址和学生办公室(OISS) assists with issues surrounding visas and immigration, the Office of 合同及出口管制(CEC) assesses the need for export licenses for international students, 外国游客, and foreign hires. CEC还负责代表UNH申请出口许可证. 请查看此处提供的指导,并与CEC联系,如有问题或疑虑.





  • 目录课程和/或信息有关一般科学, mathematical, 或者学校里通常教授的工程原理, colleges, 大学不受出口管制法律的约束.
  • 本科生参加更高级的课程(i.e., capstone projects) should be treated as 外国研究生 (see below).


Foreign national graduate students working on a project may be required to obtain an export license if:

  • 研究结果的发表受到限制, delayed, 或者经项目发起人批准;
  • 访问和传播控制(e.g., in a grant or contract) limit the ability of foreign nationals to participate in or access the results of a project without sponsor approval;
  • The foreign student requires access to export controlled equipment or technology in order to conduct their research; or
  • 课程的学习领域或主题是美国法律所禁止的.S. Treasury Department sanction or embargo against the student’s country of citizenship.

Dissertation research must meet the standards for "fundamental research" to be exempt from export control regulations.

Fundamental Research


在与外国人合作之前(无论是在校内还是国外), 确保你计划的活动符合基础研究的要求. Release of technology or controlled data to a foreign national visiting scholar may be subject to export control laws. Therefore, all visiting foreign nationals should be screened against restricted party lists to ensure compliance with regulations.

Fundamental Research

Request a Screening

A Visiting Scientist Agreement (VSA) may need to be signed prior to the visiting scholar’s arrival. This agreement is ordinarily entered into between the visiting scientist and the sponsoring department and their Dean. 有关VSA的问题应发送至 Victor Sosa,合同和出口管制主管.



Foreign Hires

I-129表格的修改, “非移民工人请愿书,,包括出口管制证明, 这凸显了中国对“视同出口规定”的敏感性。[2],其中规定了释放[3]controlled information or data to a foreign national within the United States (or abroad) is deemed to be an export to that foreign national’s home country.

This attestation within the H-1B and J-1 visa application package asks UNH to affirm that either (1) the prospective employee will not be exposed to controlled technology or information that would require an export license; or (2) an export license will be secured by UNH prior to the employee being given access to that controlled technology or information. 以完成这部分的应用程序, 部门发起人, Chairperson, and Dean must assess and understand the controls that apply to the sorts of technology/technical data that the prospective employee will require access to as part of their employment.

Exact job duties for a new position might not be known during the hiring process; so, 对视同出口许可证的需求可能并不明确. Many foreign nationals employed at universities (typically under an H-1B visa) either do not conduct technology-related research or conduct only “fundamental research,,不受出口管制. However, 尽管这样的研究可能是基础性的, deemed export licenses may still be required in the conduct of the research if controlled technology or technical data is needed to generate fundamental research results. Also, 一旦外国人被雇用, it may be necessary to consider changes to their duties and whether those changes result in the need for an export license.

Fundamental Research

UNH, I-129的签署人(个人), may be subject to criminal sanctions if the information on the form has been misrepresented. Such criminal penalties would be in addition to penalties imposed under the EAR and the ITAR for export violations (e.g. 每次违规最高罚款100万美元, 最高20年监禁, 拒绝出口特权, 以及禁止与政府签订合同). Thus, it is crucial that you contact CEC if you have any question as to whether the foreign hire will have access to export controlled technology or data.


CEC can work with you to ensure that your project can both advance the University’s mission and comply with export controls regulations. CEC工作人员可提供培训和咨询. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your research contracts or about the potential impact of export controls on your research program.

[1] “外国人”是指非美国公民.S. citizen, not a U.S. permanent resident (i.e. 一个“绿卡”持有者),或者不是 在美国合法获得庇护或难民身份的个人.S.

[2] See 15 CFR § 734.2(b)(2)(ii)和22 CFR§120.17.

[3] 参见“什么是出口”?” discussion, above.


知识库包含表单, 指导和培训材料, minutes, policies, 工具和其他资源,以支持您的研究工作的主题领域.

Contact Information

Victor Sosa, Director
Contracts & Export Controls
Phone: (603) 862-2001
Email: Victor.Sosa@kaiyanglighting.net

Phone: (603) 862-2005
Email: Melissa.McGee@kaiyanglighting.net